Skin issues? Psoriasis? Eczema? Dermatitis? Rosacea? Rashes? Sun Damage? Aging?
Skin absolutely CAN be regenerated. We never lose the ability to regenerate for as long as we still live. We just need to give the body the right tools to do it.
Each of the following ingredients in our moisturizing antifungal skin correcting oil has been carefully researched and chosen.
Hemp is a rare plant-based form of full spectrum protein. Only a FULL spectrum protein can rebuild and renew cells.
Jojoba oil is thought to be the closest oil to our own sebum, so, balancing. It facilitates super absorption into the skin, so, you don’t end up with an annoying oily film sitting on the surface.
Sweet Almond oil is thought to prevent moisture loss and aid absorption of moisture.
Coconut oil contains lauric acid which is ideal for acne prone skin.
Calendula supports speedy healing and is soothing to dry, flaky and itchy skin.
Carrot seed oil is believed to have an SPF of 42 and may support historical skin damage, especially sun damage, right down through the layers.
Raspberry Seed oil, with it’s SPF of 37, is not only sun protective, but it is incredibly softening to the skin and calming to skin conditions that are reddened, irritated, itchy and dry.
Avocado oil soothes irritated skin while supporting production of collagen and new skin growth.
Rosehip may support dark spots, scars, fine lines and skin elasticity, right down through the layers.
Frankincense, also known as Boswellia, is one of the “kings” of essential oils for the skin. It has been shown to have toning, balancing and rejuvenating properties that keep skin feeling soft, supple and firm. It is also thought to be anti-bacterial and therefore useful for acne prone skin.
Myrrh is another of the “kings” of essential oils for the skin. It’s thought it may kill skin fungus and skin parasites. It may also speed the healing of skin sores, and protect the skin from environmental toxins.